
Kaspersky security
Kaspersky security

kaspersky security

Kaspersky’s own survey of almost five thousand organizations across the world confirms this trend with 70% of respondents showing they expect their IT security budget to increase in the next three years. Globally, IT security budgets are demonstrating positive dynamics: as a number of analyst reports show, they continue to grow year on year. It is a free web tool where IT security managers can view the average budget for cybersecurity in their region and industry and compare this to budgets in their organization. The Kaspersky IT Security Calculator helps businesses receive these insights.

kaspersky security

Knowing how much money is spent on IT security across the industry allows companies to understand where they are in the market, to compare their budget with other players and even improve planning. This is even though cybersecurity spending is growing year-on-year with almost 9% growth in 2019, according to Gartner report. According to statistics from the Kaspersky IT Security Calculator, budgets at 45% of SMBs and 50% of enterprises are below the average spend - which is $205k for small and medium and $8m for enterprise businesses.

Kaspersky security