
Keyboard shortcuts for word 2017
Keyboard shortcuts for word 2017

If you use Microsoft Office for your daily work, this shortcut education is well worth the investment. KeyRocket teaches you keyboard shortcuts for Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Microsoft Visual Studio, as well as the Windows operating system in general. KeyRocket also has a searchable database of shortcuts that is easily accessible as you work and allows you to create your own custom shortcuts.

keyboard shortcuts for word 2017

The idea is that repeated notifications will help you to learn these shortcuts naturally as you work.

keyboard shortcuts for word 2017

Whenever you use your mouse to do a task that a keyboard shortcut could have accomplished more quickly, a KeyRocket popup will notify you of the shortcut. When your long cheat sheet of Windows shortcuts becomes too inconvenient, KeyRocket is here to teach you Windows keyboard shortcuts more intuitively.

Keyboard shortcuts for word 2017